Pokemon Character List

Different types of Pokemon

There are over 16 types of Pokemon and 495 individual species.

This is much more than the original ‘Capsule Monsters’ that Satoshi Tajiri invented about twenty years ago. There is no real story or logic behind the creation of these species, but they keep growing. And that is good news for Pokemon Go fans because the more Pokemon there are, the more Pokemon there are to catch and train!

Here is a chart of many of the Pokemon able to be caught in the Pokemon Go app.

Pokemon Types:

Type 1 are called ‘normal’ Pokemon. Type 2 are Fire Pokemon and as the name implies, have some ability to make fire.  Type 3 – the Water Pokemon. Type 4 are the Electric Pokemon. From this group comes the Pokemon mascot, Pikachu. Type 5 are the Ice Pokemon, which are really good for slowing down an opponent in battle. Type 6 are the Grass Pokemon, which generally means that their DNA has been crossed with plant life. Type 7 are the Fighting Pokemon, they excel at punching, kicking, and the martial arts. Type 8 are the Poisonous Pokemon. Don’t let these guys bite you, spit on you, or lick you. Many have poisonous skin or other body parts as well. Type 9 are the Ground Pokemon. They hunker low and release a ferocious upward attack. Type 10 are the Flying Pokemon. They are susceptible to fire, water, and poison attacks. Type 11 are the Physic Pokemon. They know what their opponent’s next move will be. Type 12 are the Bug Pokemon. They are weaker but they make up for in agility. Type 13 are the Rock Pokemon. They are very hard to defeat and deliver devastating blows. Type 14 are the Ghost Pokemon. If you can’t see them, you can’t hit them. Type 15 are the Dark Pokemon. They are very good at blending into the background for a sneak attack. Type 16 are the Steel Pokemon. very similar to the Rock Pokemon, they are hard to defeat and deliver devastating blows.

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